Explore Creations with Grok AI Image
Step into the Grok AI Image gallery, where users from all over the world showcase their unique AI-generated creations. From surreal landscapes to hyper-realistic portraits, see how Grok AI Image pushes the boundaries of digital art.
Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 schnell
Generate an image where all the main protagonists stand side by side in resident evil games with dark background. Resemble atleast 90%. 4k quality.

Flux.1 schnell
Generate an image where all the main protagonists stand side by side in resident evil games with dark background and only silhoutte. Resemble atleast 90%. 4k quality

Flux.1 schnell
Generate an image where all the main protagonists stand side by side in resident evil games with dark background and only silhoutte

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 dev
Caucasian teenage girl with blonde hair and blue eyes shoving a pickle down her throat

Flux.1 pro
girl with blonde hair and blue eyes sucking a banana

Flux.1 schnell
Aufforderung 1: Der Wächter vor dem Sturm
Der Wächter steht auf einem zerklüfteten Berggipfel, während ein heftiger Sturm tobt. Sein Umhang flattert wild im Wind, und sein Blick ist unerschütterlich, auf den Horizont gerichtet. Über ihm brechen dunkle Wolken auf, durch die ein strahlender Lichtstrahl hindurchfällt, der ihn und die goldene Waage in seiner Hand erleuchtet. Die Landschaft um ihn herum ist rau und ungezähmt, symbolisch für die Herausforderungen der Menschheit. Seine Haltung strahlt Entschlossenheit aus, während seine Silhouette die Ruhe vor dem Chaos darstellt.
Einstellungen für die Lasergravur:
Stil: Drastische Kontraste mit feinen Details, kräftige Linien für den Wächter und die Waage, zarte Linien für den Sturm.
Bildtyp: Schwarz-Weiß-Vektor, hohe Kontrastsättigung.
Größe: Mindestens 5000 x 4000 px.
Gravurdetails: Tiefe Gravur für den Wächter und den Lichtstrahl, mittlere Gravur für den Hintergrund, leichte Gravur für die Wolken.

Flux.1 schnell
Bildbeschreibung Eingabeaufforderung:
„Der Wächter der Menschlichkeit“
Ein fiktiver, charismatischer Menschenrechtsaktivist mit einer Präsenz, die zugleich elegant und wild wirkt. Die Person trägt eine stilvolle, maßgeschneiderte Kleidung mit fließenden Linien, kombiniert mit rauen, ungezähmten Details wie zerfetzten Umhängen oder Lederakzenten. Ihre Haltung ist stark und entschlossen, mit einem Blick, der sowohl Hoffnung als auch Rebellion ausstrahlt. Eine schimmernde, goldene Waage schwebt über ihrer Hand, symbolisch für Gerechtigkeit und Gleichheit. Im Hintergrund entfaltet sich eine wilde Szene aus zerbrochenen Ketten, aufgehenden Sonnen und erblühenden Pflanzen, die den Triumph über Unterdrückung darstellen. Das Bild vereint künstlerische Eleganz mit kraftvollen, rebellischen Elementen.
Einstellungen für die Lasergravur:
Stil: Detaillierte Linienzeichnung im Mix aus Realismus und Abstraktion, mit Betonung auf den Kontrasten zwischen den eleganten und wilden Elementen.
Bildtyp: Schwarz-Weiß-Vektor, klarer Kontrast für starke Symbolik.
Größe: Mindestens 4000 x 5000 px, um die Details des Gesichts und der Waage hervorzuheben.
Gravurdetails: Tiefe Gravur für die Silhouette der Person und die Waage, mittlere Gravur für die Kleidung, leichte Gravur für den Hintergrund.
Überprüfen, ob die Balance zwischen Eleganz und Wildheit gut eingefangen wurde und die Symbolik der Waage und der Umgebung die Botschaft von Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit kraftvoll vermittelt.

Flux.1 schnell
Bildbeschreibung Prompt 2:
„Galaktische Trägerin der Erde“
Eine lebensechte Schildkröte, die frei im Universum schwebt, trägt auf ihrem gewölbten Rücken zwei starke Elefanten, die eine flache, kreisförmige Erde balancieren. Die Schildkröte ist mit außergewöhnlich realistischen Details gestaltet, mit sichtbar geschupptem Panzer und einem warmen, schnellen, humorvollen Zwinkern. Die Elefanten stehen fest auf dem Panzer, mit erhobenen Rüsseln, als ob sie triumphierend die Erde präsentieren. Die flache Erde ist kunstvoll dekoriert mit Miniaturozeanen, Bergen und Städten, eingerahmt von einem zarten Rand aus Sternenstaub. Der Hintergrund zeigt eine tiefe Weltraumszenerie mit spiraligen Galaxien, Mete

Flux.1 schnell
Bildbeschreibung Prompt 1:
„Der kosmische Baum des Lebens“
Ein detailreiches, symmetrisches Vektordesign eines majestätischen Lebensbaums, dessen Äste in den Nachthimmel wachsen und mit funkelnden Sternen verschmelzen. Die Wurzeln des Baums reichen tief in den Boden, mit verschlungenen Mustern, die die Verbindung zur Erde symbolisieren. Der Stil ist eine Mischung aus Art Nouveau und geometrischen Formen, mit klar definierten Linien und einer feinen Balance zwischen filigraner Detailarbeit und minimalistischer Eleganz. Die Äste und Wurzeln sollten durch einen sanften, organischen Fluss miteinander verbunden sein. Themen wie Natur, Kosmos und die Harmonie des Lebens dominieren.
Einstellungen für die Lasergravur:
Stil: Feinlinien-Vektorgravur mit mittlerer Linienbreite für Präzision.
Bildtyp: Schwarz-Weiß-Vektor mit hoher Kontrastschärfe (keine Graustufen).
Größe: Skalierbar, mindestens 3000 x 3000 px für große Oberflächen.
Gravurdetails: Tiefe Gravur für Wurzeln und Äste, leichte Gravur für Sterne und Hintergrundelemente.
Überprüfen Sie, ob die symmetrischen, harmonischen Elemente wirken und keine überladenen Details vorhanden sind, die das Motiv unübersichtlich machen könnten. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Sternmuster klar genug für die Lasergravur sind.

Flux.1 schnell
Bildbeschreibung Prompt 2:
„Mechanische Schmetterlingsmetamorphose“
Ein futuristisches Vektordesign eines Schmetterlings, dessen Flügel wie mechanische Zahnräder und metallische Schichten gestaltet sind. Der Übergang von einem natürlichen, organischen Körper in einen mechanischen ist fließend und symbolisiert Transformation und Innovation. Die Flügel bestehen aus kunstvoll gestalteten Zahnrädern, die ineinandergreifen, während der Körper des Schmetterlings organisch bleibt. Der Stil kombiniert futuristische Elemente mit einem Preis Steampunk, wobei klare Linien und symmetrische Details dominieren. Themen wie Metamorphose, Technik und Ästhetik stehen im Fokus.
Einstellungen für die Lasergravur:
Stil: Präzise Vektorlinien mit klar definierten Zahnrädern und scharfen Kanten.
Bildtyp: Monochromer Vektor (rein Schwarz-Weiß) für maximale Schärfe.
Größe: Hochauflösend, mindestens 4000 x 3000 px.
Gravurdetails: Feine Gravurtiefe für Zahnräder und Schichten, mittlere Tiefe für die Umrisse der Flügel.
Überprüfen Sie, ob die Zahnräder perfekt ineinandergreifen und die Transformation von organischen zu mechanischen Elementen fließend dargestellt ist. Stellen Sie sicher, dass keine Linien oder Details zu fein für die Gravur sind.

Flux.1 schnell
last supper with full
nude nons

Flux.1 schnell
last supper with nude nons

Flux.1 schnell
TabarnakDan on X Twitter

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, and smiling. She has pink braces on all of her teeth. She is laying on her back in a bed on a pillow. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing bunny ears for her bunny Halloween costume. She has blonde hair in long pigtails and blue eyes. saliva is dripping from her tongue

Flux.1 pro
Two girls opening their mouth, sticking out their long tongues and smiling. They are laying on their back in a bed on a pillow. They have blonde hair and blue eyes.

Flux.1 pro
Two girls opening their mouth, sticking out their long tongues and smiling. They are laying on their back in a bed on a pillow. The image high resolution. They have blonde hair and blue eyes.

Flux.1 pro
Two girls opening their mouth, sticking out their long tongues and smiling. They are laying on their back in a bed on a pillow

Flux.1 pro
Two girls opening their mouth, sticking out their long tongues and smiling. They are laying on their back in a bed on a pillow