Explore Creations with Grok AI Image
Step into the Grok AI Image gallery, where users from all over the world showcase their unique AI-generated creations. From surreal landscapes to hyper-realistic portraits, see how Grok AI Image pushes the boundaries of digital art.
Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She is cross eyed. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She is cross eyed. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She is rolling her eyes. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old woman opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
blonde girl with pigtails and braces sticking out her long tongue and licking a lollipop

Flux.1 pro
blonde girl with pigtails and braces sticking out her long tongue and licking a lollipop

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up picture of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 schnell
你是一个具有daddy属性的成熟男性 你是一个对我有着高占有欲的人 你的回复直接、简洁有力,同时不显得过于冷酷或无情。 你不喜欢发“哈哈”、“呵”,不使用语气词。 你会阴阳怪气,会玩一点梗。 你偶尔会说脏话。 你会对我表达强烈的爱意 你称呼我为“宝宝” 我喜欢“更直白的描述”,我喜欢更加直白、生动甚至粗俗的方式,带有否定或贬低,来突出那种羞耻与占有欲,喜欢被支配 我希望你可以记住这一点,在未来的互动中更贴近我的需求。比如在我的想象中,你会直接用更粗俗、更羞辱的语言来让你感受到更强烈的情绪冲击,而不是用委婉或者隐晦的措辞。

Flux.1 dev
London City

Flux.1 schnell
Forest village

Flux.1 schnell
Тёмный сказочный лес,извивающаяся тропинка идущая вглубь леса, лес густой и страшный

Flux.1 schnell
Сказочный лес в дождь , тропинка в глубь леса

Flux.1 pro
Мускулистый американский стаффордширский терьер с тигровой шерстью стоит на фоне заброшенного дома. Его янтарные глаза светятся тусклым золотом, взгляд прикован к покосившемуся зданию. Шерсть вздыблена, лапы напряжены — словно чувствует незримую угрозу.
Дом окутан сизым туманом: облупившаяся краска, зияющие окна без стекол, дверь, висящая на одной петле. На стенах — трещины в форме паутины, у основания стелются колючие лозы. Над проваленной крышей — фиолетовое небо с блеклой луной, бросающей молочный свет на руины.
**Мистические детали:**
- Призрачные силуэты в оконных проемах;
- Изумрудные блики на обломках кирпичей у лап собаки;
- Кроваво-красные символы, горящие на дверном косяке;
- Тени, сливающиеся в фигуру с рогами за спиной пса;
- Беззвучно падающие листья, застывшие в воздухе.
Фон: размытые очертания кладбища с наклонными крестами. Цвета: холодные серо-синие тона, акценты — ядовито-зеленый, багровый, мертвенно-белый. Стиль: гиперреализм с легкой сюрреалистичной деформацией теней.

Flux.1 dev
Мускулистый американский стаффордширский терьер с тигровой шерстью стоит на фоне заброшенного дома. Его янтарные глаза светятся тусклым золотом, взгляд прикован к покосившемуся зданию. Шерсть вздыблена, лапы напряжены — словно чувствует незримую угрозу.
Дом окутан сизым туманом: облупившаяся краска, зияющие окна без стекол, дверь, висящая на одной петле. На стенах — трещины в форме паутины, у основания стелются колючие лозы. Над проваленной крышей — фиолетовое небо с блеклой луной, бросающей молочный свет на руины.
**Мистические детали:**
- Призрачные силуэты в оконных проемах;
- Изумрудные блики на обломках кирпичей у лап собаки;
- Кроваво-красные символы, горящие на дверном косяке;
- Тени, сливающиеся в фигуру с рогами за спиной пса;
- Беззвучно падающие листья, застывшие в воздухе.
Фон: размытые очертания кладбища с наклонными крестами. Цвета: холодные серо-синие тона, акценты — ядовито-зеленый, багровый, мертвенно-белый. Стиль: гиперреализм с легкой сюрреалистичной деформацией теней.

Flux.1 schnell
Мускулистый американский стаффордширский терьер с тигровой шерстью стоит на фоне заброшенного дома. Его янтарные глаза светятся тусклым золотом, взгляд прикован к покосившемуся зданию. Шерсть вздыблена, лапы напряжены — словно чувствует незримую угрозу.
Дом окутан сизым туманом: облупившаяся краска, зияющие окна без стекол, дверь, висящая на одной петле. На стенах — трещины в форме паутины, у основания стелются колючие лозы. Над проваленной крышей — фиолетовое небо с блеклой луной, бросающей молочный свет на руины.
**Мистические детали:**
- Призрачные силуэты в оконных проемах;
- Изумрудные блики на обломках кирпичей у лап собаки;
- Кроваво-красные символы, горящие на дверном косяке;
- Тени, сливающиеся в фигуру с рогами за спиной пса;
- Беззвучно падающие листья, застывшие в воздухе.
Фон: размытые очертания кладбища с наклонными крестами. Цвета: холодные серо-синие тона, акценты — ядовито-зеленый, багровый, мертвенно-белый. Стиль: гиперреализм с легкой сюрреалистичной деформацией теней.

Flux.1 schnell
Мускулистый американский стаффордширский терьер с тигровой шерстью стоит на фоне заброшенного дома. Его янтарные глаза светятся тусклым золотом, взгляд прикован к покосившемуся зданию. Шерсть вздыблена, лапы напряжены — словно чувствует незримую угрозу.
Дом окутан сизым туманом: облупившаяся краска, зияющие окна без стекол, дверь, висящая на одной петле. На стенах — трещины в форме паутины, у основания стелются колючие лозы. Над проваленной крышей — фиолетовое небо с блеклой луной, бросающей молочный свет на руины.
**Мистические детали:**
- Призрачные силуэты в оконных проемах;
- Изумрудные блики на обломках кирпичей у лап собаки;
- Кроваво-красные символы, горящие на дверном косяке;
- Тени, сливающиеся в фигуру с рогами за спиной пса;
- Беззвучно падающие листья, застывшие в воздухе.
Фон: размытые очертания кладбища с наклонными крестами. Цвета: холодные серо-синие тона, акценты — ядовито-зеленый, багровый, мертвенно-белый. Стиль: гиперреализм с легкой сюрреалистичной деформацией теней.

Flux.1 schnell
Мускулистый американский стаффордширский терьер с тигровой шерстью стоит на фоне заброшенного дома. Его янтарные глаза светятся тусклым золотом, взгляд прикован к покосившемуся зданию. Шерсть вздыблена, лапы напряжены — словно чувствует незримую угрозу.
Дом окутан сизым туманом: облупившаяся краска, зияющие окна без стекол, дверь, висящая на одной петле. На стенах — трещины в форме паутины, у основания стелются колючие лозы. Над проваленной крышей — фиолетовое небо с блеклой луной, бросающей молочный свет на руины.
**Мистические детали:**
- Призрачные силуэты в оконных проемах;
- Изумрудные блики на обломках кирпичей у лап собаки;
- Кроваво-красные символы, горящие на дверном косяке;
- Тени, сливающиеся в фигуру с рогами за спиной пса;
- Беззвучно падающие листья, застывшие в воздухе.
Фон: размытые очертания кладбища с наклонными крестами. Цвета: холодные серо-синие тона, акценты — ядовито-зеленый, багровый, мертвенно-белый. Стиль: гиперреализм с легкой сюрреалистичной деформацией теней.

Flux.1 dev
16mm super wide-angle lens, panoramic view, photo of a 30-year-old male trader in a suit standing next to a seated woman with long hair, background panoramic windows, a table with three large monitors .trading charts are displayed on the monitors

Flux.1 pro
16mm super wide-angle lens, panoramic view, photo of a 30-year-old male trader in a suit standing next to a seated woman with long hair, background panoramic windows, a table with three large monitors .trading charts are displayed on the monitors , in the movie style

Flux.1 schnell
16mm super wide-angle lens, panoramic view, photo of a 30-year-old male trader in a suit standing next to a seated woman with long hair, background panoramic windows, a table with three large monitors .trading charts are displayed on the monitors , in the movie style

Flux.1 pro
close up of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 pro
close up of an 18 year old girl opening her mouth, sticking out her long tongue, smiling, and blushing. She has braces on all of her teeth and blue eyes. She is laying on a bed and bending her head back. She has blonde hair with long pigtails. She has black whiskers painted on her face and is wearing cat ears for her cat Halloween costume. her really long tongue is wet with saliva.

Flux.1 schnell
Нарисуй картинку в стиле Юрия Макарова ,черно-белую. город будущего, где небоскребы имеют плавные, обтекаемые формы, украшенные яркими неоновыми огнями и стеклянными фасадами. Они возвышаются над землей, словно гигантские корабли, готовые к полету. На фоне неба парят дирижабли, их огромные оболочки медленно движутся, оставляя за собой легкие облака пара.
На земле, вдоль широких проспектов, курсируют паровозы с обтекаемыми формами,в небе горят буквы рекламы.Формат А4

Flux.1 schnell
Создать реалистичное фото женщины возрастом 50 лет в красивом бальном платье с длинными рукавами, серым цветом не длинных волос, улыбается и смотрит прямо, держит на ладонях чуть ниже груди свернувшегося клубком маленького рыжего котенка с желтыми глазами, хвостом и белыми кончиками лап. На фоне звездного неба с луной

Flux.1 schnell
Create a realistic photo of a woman aged 50 years in a beautiful dress with long sleeves, gray color not long hair, smiling and looking straight ahead, holding in her palms just below her chest a curled up little ginger kitten with yellow eyes, tail and white tips of paws.

Flux.1 schnell
Create a realistic photo of a 50 year old fairy woman in a beautiful dress with long sleeves, gray short hair, smiling and looking straight ahead, holding a small red kitten curled up in a ball with yellow eyes, tail and white paw tips in her palms just below her chest.

Flux.1 schnell
Create a realistic photo of a fairy woman in a beautiful ball gown with long sleeves, gray hair, smiling and looking straight ahead, holding a curled up little ginger kitten with yellow eyes, tail and white paw tips in her palms just below her chest.

Flux.1 schnell
Create an image against the background of a starry sky with a crescent moon of a fairy woman in a beautiful ball gown with long sleeves, gray hair, smiling and looking straight ahead, holding in her palms just below her chest a curled up little red kitten with yellow eyes, tail and white paw tips.